Booma Food Group Pty Ltd (Booma) has partnered with bespoke financier Baillie Asset Management Ltd to bring the first CubicFarms system to Australia.
Our vision is to energise our clients and communities with top quality fresh produce that is sustainably and reliably grown by caring people.
Our mission is sustaining our clients and communities we serve with a reliable supply of fresh, tasty, Australian grown produce which fuels their energy and health.
Managing Director Cory Robertson speaks with Cubic Farms on becoming a farmer partner
Cory Robertson, Managing Director, Booma - We searched the world over for the right sustainable growing technology to serve our communities in New South Wales and beyond. Australia has experienced the challenges of climate change, the devastating effects of drought, and significant impacts on our food production. CubicFarms’ patented technology is superior to other vertical farming options because it provides commercial scale output while minimizing environmental impact and maximizing cost efficiencies.
CubicFarms is an agricultural technology company developing and deploying technology to feed a changing world. Its proprietary ag-tech solutions enable growers to produce high quality, predictable produce and fresh livestock feed with HydroGreen Nutrition Technology, a division of CubicFarm Systems Corp. The CubicFarms™ system contains patented technology for growing leafy greens and other crops onsite, indoors, all year round. CubicFarms provides an efficient, localized food supply solution that benefits our people, planet, and economy. CubicFarms is a local chain agtech company founded by farmers.
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